Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Priestess of Nui and Google Translate

So tonight, Impatient Melde's alt Zhozho tried to row across the ocean in his rowboat.  He was promptly eaten by seabugs.

The reason Zhozho went rowing across the ocean was to help some guildmates who are also Vietnamese and speak Vietnamese to each other in game.  I would like to report that we have reached the age of Star Trek and the Universal Translator (sort of...).  Impatient Melde, in her infinite attempts to communicate with all she encounters used Google Translate to hold some very small communication.

I say very small because at one point, Impatient Melde's guildie asked, what does "ban danh" mean?  In all fairness, I think I left out a word, but needless to say, Google Translate still isn't perfect.

Also, speaking in game means a lot of l33t speak and mistyping, so there's that too.  However, the highlight of my night was when someone asked, "Zhozho, are you Vietnamese?" and I got to reply, "nope, I'm an american with a cellphone and a translation app."

We have reached the future.  Beam me up, Scotty! Or maybe, "Chùm tôi Scotty!"

Picture from ComicVine.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

In Canada, American Quarters are Like Purpling

This post is dedicated to my friend Sleeky, who loves to PVP, is teaching me dueling skills, and answered a question that occurred to me for the first time tonight.

Many Americans know what it's like to go to pay for something and pull out a quarter only to find that it's a Canadian quarter.  While the elk is rather lovely, my first thought is generally along the lines of, "Crap!  How did I get stuck with a Canadian quarter?"

Enter Sleeky, who is Quebecois.  He tells me this also happens to Canadians who suddenly find themselves in possession of an American quarter.

My view of the world has completely shifted.

Saturday, January 3, 2015


Tonight's post celebrates Impatient Melde's red alt move into a new guild.  Also, this kitten is too cute for words.

Photo from rebloggy.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Level 50!

Impatient Melde made it to level 50 tonight!  This is the highest level in Archeage at the moment.

Now, she's trying to learn how to be a PVP-er.  So far her friend and PVP trainer Sleeky is kicking her arse.

One day, Impatient Melde will snatch the pebble from his hand...

Crafting Achievement

Impatient Melde has made it to 10,000 in Alchemy!  Now she can make Shatigon's Sandglass: Spoonful for all of those guildies who get their boats wrecked by reds or the kraken, who seems to be showing its face a little more these days...

Before you think this is some major accomplishment in Archeage... it is, but I have only made it to "Novice."  This major-work crafting system makes Impatient Melde crazy.

IRL, Impatient Melde has taken up crochet.  So far, I have crafted a "D20 Mat" - a 2 inch square of single crochet stitches.  It will hold a single D20 on a soft bed of yarn.  Perhaps the frustration (er, love) that has been crocheted into it will cause it to roll 20's more often.  

I marvel at the apparent ease at which I can dismember and reassemble mechanical and electrical devices, but seem to be confounded at every turn by a stick and piece of string.

Perhaps with practice (Naturally, Impatient Melde hates practice... this is why she plays Guitar Hero while a real guitar hides in the closet) I shall soon crochet Delphinad Shirts for my own kitties.  Izzy has already requested a dice bag.  This was his motive for buying Impatient Melde a crochet kit in the first place.

Photo courtesy of Cute Overload.