Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Priestess of Nui and Google Translate

So tonight, Impatient Melde's alt Zhozho tried to row across the ocean in his rowboat.  He was promptly eaten by seabugs.

The reason Zhozho went rowing across the ocean was to help some guildmates who are also Vietnamese and speak Vietnamese to each other in game.  I would like to report that we have reached the age of Star Trek and the Universal Translator (sort of...).  Impatient Melde, in her infinite attempts to communicate with all she encounters used Google Translate to hold some very small communication.

I say very small because at one point, Impatient Melde's guildie asked, what does "ban danh" mean?  In all fairness, I think I left out a word, but needless to say, Google Translate still isn't perfect.

Also, speaking in game means a lot of l33t speak and mistyping, so there's that too.  However, the highlight of my night was when someone asked, "Zhozho, are you Vietnamese?" and I got to reply, "nope, I'm an american with a cellphone and a translation app."

We have reached the future.  Beam me up, Scotty! Or maybe, "Chùm tôi Scotty!"

Picture from ComicVine.

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